fk India Network Blog

Fredskorpset ( fk) , Norway implements the overarching objectives for Norway’s cooperation with the developing countries:
to contribute to permanent improvements in economic, social and political conditions for the people of developing countries, with special emphasis on aid benefiting the poorest of the poor. To this end, FK Norway shall work particularly to realise the objective of a more just world order based on fundamental human rights. With a view to this, FK Norway shall contribute to the creation of contact and cooperation between individuals, organisations and institutions in Norway and in the developing countries, based on solidarity, equality and reciprocity. The funds of FK Norway shall go to measures directed to countries that are classified by the OECD as potential recipients of official development aid (the ODA countries). Of this, at least half shall go to measures that include the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).


As part of its objectives FK Norway shall:

* promote reciprocal learning;
* help participants to integrate their know-how and experience into their own societies;
* help to develop and strengthen civil society in developing countries;
* strengthen local organisation and democratic structures in developing countries;
* enhance the ability of the people to set and achieve their own development goals;
* promote greater participation by developing countries in international cooperation.

To perform these tasks FK Norway shall support organisations and institutions in Norway and in developing countries (partners) who collaborate through their own personnel (participants).

To this end FK Norway shall organise the recruitment and training of participants as well as various forms of collaboration among a diverse group of private and public organisations and institutions.

* in the developing countries, between Norwegian organisations and institutions and organisations and institutions in the developing countries, as well as between organisations and institutions in the developing countries which have established co-operation with Norwegian organisations and institutions (South-South co-operation),
* in Norway, between Norwegian organisations and institutions and organisations and institutions in the developing countries.

More information on Fredskorpset :

The blog is a creation of the Network at the National Level in INDIA to share and learn from each other. The network consists of various organisations whose link can be found on the blog.

For any information, feed back and queries, please write to us,

Thank you,

Fk India Network !

Friday, August 31, 2007

Profile:Lenin Joyal

Name: Lenin Joyal

Exchange period:Aug 2007-June 2008

Home organisation: Center for Social Action in Bangalore, India.
Host organisation: Sund Folk College in Inderøy, Norway.

Date of Birth: 14.08.1987

Interests: Reading,surfing net,debating,reading,watchin tv,playing snooker,listening to songs

I am very much anticipating a very good trip with loads of experiences and fun.In that way I would be able to contribute back to CSA in a more efficient manner.Alongwith that I would develop myself and find sometime to introspect on myself.

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